Tag: Electrical and Electronics

Metaltech 2015

Event Date: 20-23 May 2015

metaltech 2015The machinery and tools industry is a high-performance industry sector; with companies ensuring their technological advancement through expertise and continued innovation. Malaysia has a diverse and growing manufacturing sector that plays a huge role in the economy, plus initiatives to promote manufacturing related activities granted by the Malaysian government makes the country an excellent place for proper business development and investments. Thus, it is now the right time to participate in exhibitions like METALTECH!

METALTECH offers the flexibility for your company to respond to market changes and demands at the same time offering a platform for industry players to build market awareness and discover the latest industry trends. METALTECH has a track record of being the event for your company to see and be seen. Don’t lose the opportunity to publicize your products, news and services to the right target market.

Event Date: 20-23 May 2015

Venue: Putra World Trade Centre

Organiser: Trade Link ITE Sdn Bhd (603 7842 9863)