3rd Civil Helicopter Southeast Asia Summit 2018

Event Date: 27-28 September 2018

The Asia Pacific region’s civil turbine helicopter fleet stood at 4,086 rotorcraft by the end of 2017, an increase of 3.9% from yearend 2016.The fleet is utilized in a wide-range of mission profiles, with slightly more than half of fleet operating in multi-mission roles and the rest evenly dispersed among the corporate, offshore, law enforcement, SAR and EMS markets. In coming years, the region’s offshore Oil&Gas market is also expected to begin a recovery, as oil prices have now risen from their low point and capital expenditures from national, major and independent Oil&Gas
companies begin to increase.(“*source: Asian Sky Group”).

We have reason to believe that, in the near future, the Southeast Asia market will enjoy the development.

However, there are some undeniable problems existed in the region, like helicopter safety operation, leasing, maintenance and pilot training.

3rd Civil Helicopter Southeast Asia Summit 2018 will be gathering 300 industry professionals representing relevant government officials, OEMs, operators, lessors, MROs, insurance companies and leading industry solution providers together, to discuss the development and problem in SEA region. It will be held on September 27-28 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with theme on FLY SAFE FROM THE SEA, it aims at building the networking platform for the industry professionals and we sincerely invite you to join the summit.

The highlights of CHSAS 2018 include:

 Market Outlook and Forecast on Helicopter Operation in SEA Region

 Helicopter Safety Operation Development in Oil & Gas Industry

 Helicopter EMS and Leasing Development in SEA Region

 Helicopter Maintenance and Pilot Training Development

Event website: www.opplandcorp.com/helisea2018

For more detail, please contact:
Josephine Zhu|朱靖雯
Marketing Manager |市场部
Oppland China-CAN PRESS

Tel: 86-21-50589600 * 8026 | Moblie & Whatsapp ID :86-13641991934 | Fax: 86-21-50585987 |
Email: josephine_z@opplandcorp.com

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