April 2018

Exhibitions and Events taking place in the month of April 2018


MIHAS 2018 (4-7 April 2018)

AsiaWater 2018 (10-12 April 2018)

Malaysia Ecommerce Summit 2018 (12-13 April 2018)

DSA 2018 (16-19 April 2018)

Livestock Asia 2018 (19-21 April 2018)

Pameran Pengantin Kahwinje (20-22 April 2018)

Franchise International Malaysia 2018 (20-22 April 2018)

Metal Technology Expo 2018 (25-28 April 2018)



If you have an event taking place in this month but is not listed here, please write to “events[@]exhibition.com.my”. We would gladly list your event here.

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